Rules & Regulations

Arts Competition Application & Online Submission Deadline: DECEMBER 15, 2023
Announcement of Results: DECEMBER 20, 2023

  1. The Competition is conducted online via Online Submission.

  2. The Competition is open to contestants of all nationalities.

  3. Applicants will be required to fill out the application form after selecting respective visual Arts category on Application page.

  4. Online Submission Requirements:

    • Contestants are required to take high resolution still shots of their work and upload for submission via file sharing hosting platform (eg. Google Drive, Dropbox, WeTransfer, etc.).

    • Shots from various angles are recommended for holistic assessment.

    • Video files for Film Making category should be under 5 minutes.

    • The video should be uploaded to YouTube or any other video hosting sites. Privacy setting should be set as “Unlisted”

    • Contestants will be required to submit their URL link in application form.

    • For Drawing, Chinese Painting & Calligraphy, and Sculpting & Pottery categories, contestants are required to provide the real dimension of their work.

  5. Decisions of the Jury are final.

  6. The Jury reserves the right to not award prizes if contestants do not attain the competition’s required standard.

  7. Jurors will not adjudicate contestants who are their students.

  8. Contestants must ensure that all submitted credentials, including the video link in the application are accurate. Contestants are required to pay an administrative fee of HK$200 if they make amendments to applications after submission. No amendments can be made after the submission deadline (December 15, 2023).

  9. Applications, payments or videos submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.

  10. Application fee is non-refundable and non-transferable.

  11. The Organiser reserves the right to revise the schedule, jury panel, awards, regulations and all arrangements of the Apollo International Music & Art Competition without prior notice. The Organiser reserves the right of final decision on the interpretation of the regulations.

  12. Contestants authorize and give consent to the Organizer to use their work and information submitted (only name, age & nationality) for publicity and promotional activities of the Apollo International Music & Arts Competition and Apollo International Music & Arts Festival.

  13. In case of discrepancy between the English and Chinese text, the English version shall prevail.